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MessageSujet: Re: Lisa - Ses articles de presse   Lisa - Ses articles de presse - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 17 Mai - 8:14

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House's Lisa Edelstein: The Exploration of House and Cuddy Isn't Over

May 16, 2010 10:00 PM ET by Gina DiNunno

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It always hurts when someone you love moves on, and especially painful when that person moves on to someone else. It's even worse when you still have to see the object of your desire every day. And what's worst of all is when you're the star of a medical drama, and for the season finale, you and the woman you love have to spend hours together, treating a victim trapped in the rubble of a crane collapsed. A crane collapsed like your hopes and dreams.

That's the situation in which Dr. House (Hugh Laurie) finds himself Monday as House wraps its sixth season. talked to Lisa Edelstein, who plays just-trying-to-move-on love interest Cuddy, about why she thinks her character has given up on the cranky diagnostician and whether she truly loves her new beau, Lucas. She also tells us whether Cuddy's rejection could drive House back to a relapse. Will watching the finale be like watching a crane wreck? Last week, Dr. Nolan and House came to the realization that Cuddy's relationship with Lucas has deeply affected House. How will that carry over into the finale?
Edelstein: It comes to a head for sure. Cuddy is making some moves in her life that are really painful for House, even though he's trying to be the bigger man. I think House is taking all the decisions in her own life personally. When really, the things Cuddy is doing, she's doing for herself. She's trying to make better decisions that might lead to a happier, easier future. They're not necessarily the decisions that stick. They're just the ones you try to do. And in the meantime, they are caught up in an awful disaster where they team up to help this woman. In the process it really forces them to face each other and see each other for who they are. There's obviously something there, so why do you think she's giving up on him?
Edelstein: Because of her daughter. The fact that she's a mother and needs something stable in her life. She's got so much responsibility that to have an intimate relationship with House would mean she'd have another huge task at hand. And I think she's doing everything she can to stop herself from going in that direction. Well, do you think she really loves Lucas?
Edelstein: I think it's more about having a stable family. I don't think it's great passion. It's one of those times in a person's life where you try to choose against your instinct because what you need is stability. I think what really turns her on is, well, not stability. She's got huge responsibilities now. In [the recent Cuddy-centric episode], you see Lucas knows how to show up and helps her in practical matters — even though he's a disappointment in that particular episode [Laughs]. Her relationship with House goes much deeper. He's the one that helps her in a way that's more meaningful. She's able to come to new understandings with him. A lot of fans truly hate the "Luddy" relationship. What's your take on that?
Edelstein: I love it. I think it's fantastic that people are so passionate about it. It's very hard to watch two people that you think should just get together not get together. It's very painful because you get attached to an idea. But I don't think the exploration of House and Cuddy is over by any stretch of the imagination. I just think she could not go further with him until she tried something else. There's no way. She has to try to live the life that she thinks is the more correct way of doing this. This is the woman who is very responsible. Until she's done going in that direction, which I don't know when that will be, she's got to do what she's got to do. Would you like to see House and Cuddy get together before end of the series, or do you think that would ruin things?
Edelstein: I do think they need to do something about it. And I would trust David Shore to never make it actually work. [Laughs] It has to be tortured and painful. I mean, these are not happy people. If they suddenly became happy, the dynamics of the show would change. Would I like to see something go on? Yeah. But how will it happen, I have no idea. Recent episodes have dropped hints that House is headed for a relapse. What can you tell us about that?
Edelstein: House came out of the hospital with the intention of getting Cuddy. So that's an arc of this season for sure. Wilson's been there to take care of him, but Cuddy's been the thing on his mind. He's tried many times this season to convince her to be with him, so I do think that's a major sense of failure. So. Tell us how it all ends?
Edelstein: No. [Laughs] A lot of people on the show haven't even seen the finale scene. So is it really good?
Edelstein: Yes!
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MessageSujet: Re: Lisa - Ses articles de presse   Lisa - Ses articles de presse - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 17 Mai - 10:52

Merci pour cet itv. Pas très optimiste pour le huddy ... si on prend le bon côté des choses ça veut dire retour au dark house et ça ce serait déjà pas mal Very Happy

ps : je ne poste plus, j'aime trop mon statut Very Happy
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MessageSujet: Re: Lisa - Ses articles de presse   Lisa - Ses articles de presse - Page 4 Icon_minitimeVen 21 Mai - 12:39

Le Dr. Cuddy nous parle de "House"
Posté par AlloCiné - mercredi 19 mai 2010

A l'occasion de la sortie en DVD de la cinquième saison de "Dr House", Lisa Edelstein, alias Dr. Cuddy, a répondu à nos questions...

AlloCiné Séries : Lorsque vous avez commencé "House", il y a maintenant six ans, auriez-vous imaginé une seule seconde que la série deviendrait un tel hit ?
Lisa Edelstein : Jamais ! (Rires) Il n’y a aucun moyen de deviner ce genre de chose. La seule chose que l'on sait au début, c’est que l'on a aimé le script et qu'il nous a semblé que le personnage était intéressant à jouer pendant une certaine période de temps. Le reste, on ne peut pas savoir... Tellement de choses peuvent mal tourner. On ne peut pas savoir, il faut tenter le coup !

Et justement, vous pensez que Cuddy a connu une évolution intéressante de la saison 1 à la saison 6 ?
Oui. J’ai passé du bon temps, sans jamais m’ennuyer. Le personnage continue de m’intéresser.

Aimeriez-vous toutefois avoir plus de scènes comiques ? Vous avez prouvé par le passé que vous aviez un bon sens de la comédie, ce serait donc logique de vous voir l’utiliser plus.
Merci ! (Rires). Peut-être que mon prochain job, ce sera une comédie ! Mais, on a tout de même l’occasion d’être drôle dans notre show mais d'une manière plus réglée. Ou alors je dois faire la nana sérieuse et Hugh Laurie a le droit d’être drôle (rires).

Cette saison, les télespectateurs font face au suicide de Kutner, un évènement qui a lieu très subitement... On a bien évidemment su que c’était parce que son interprète, Kal Penn, voulait aller à la Maison-Blanche…
(Rires)… Oui, ce n’est pas très commun !

Comment avez-vous réagi lorsque vous avez su que son personnage allait être subitement supprimé ?
On nous l'a dit. Ils nous ont prévenus que ça allait arriver et que ce n’était pas un renvoi. Ils nous ont bien expliqué que rien de négatif ne se tramait, que Kal avait décidé de faire quelque chose d’important pour son épanouissement personnel. Il le fallait bien pour que personne ne panique et qu'on ne croit pas qu’ils allaient tous nous tuer les uns après les autres (rires) !

Et justement, la mort de Kutner est la seconde mort importante qui a lieu dans la série, après celle d’Amber. Ça fait beaucoup en si peu de temps, vous ne trouvez-pas ?
Je pense qu’on devrait tuer quelqu’un tous les ans. Pour que les choses continuent à avancer ! (Rires)

Dans les derniers épisodes de la saison, Amber vient rôder dans la tête de House. Ces épisodes sont particulièrement terrifiants.
Oui, ça donnait la chair de poule. Mais, je n’ai pas pu vivre cette expérience comme le télespectateur a pu, étant donné que je l’avais lu avant. Je n’ai pas eu à vivre la surprise visuelle. Mais, ça fait plaisir d’entendre que c’était terrifiant à voir !

Oui, c’était assez glaçant de la voir surgir comme ça.
Ah j’adore ! C’est cool ! Vous n’aimez pas les fantômes ! Mais, en même temps, j'admets que c’est assez compréhensible de ne pas aimer les gens qui surgissent comme ça et qui vous parlent. C’est d’un irritant ! (Rires)

La saison 5 permet aussi de mieux comprendre la relation qui se joue entre House et Cuddy.
Je trouve aussi. Surtout dans les derniers épisodes. Certaines personnes ont mal pris le fait que leur scène intime soit, en fait, un rêve, mais personnellement, cela ne m'a pas contrariée. Pour moi, cela révèle vraiment ce qui se passe dans la tête de House et ses sentiments pour elle. Il n’y a rien de plus important car c'est un sujet qui nous a toujours tous intéressés et maintenant c’est clair : il aime Cuddy. Il veut être avec elle mais il est incapable de concrétiser cette envie. J’adore cette exploration des choses.

Après avoir passé autant de temps à jouer côte à côte, est-ce que c’était bizarre de tourner cette scène d’amour avec Hugh Laurie ?
Pas pour moi ! Mais, je crois que ça l'a été pour lui. Hugh ne se voit pas comme un sex-symbol bien que des tonnes de femmes le voit comme tel. Il était plus inquiet par le fait que je puisse me sentir agressée physiquement. Alors qu’en fait j’ai bien aimé pouvoir vivre cette expérience, mais, lui, cela le préoccupait. Ce que je peux comprendre… Lorsque j’ai fait le strip-tease pour lui, je m'inquiétais que tout cet étalage de sexualité soit une offense au regard british (Rires).

Il y a une autre scène intéressante dans la saison 5, qui se joue cette fois entre Wilson et Cuddy. Wilson reproche à Cuddy de ne pas se pas préoccuper de ses sentiments et de seulement chercher à ce qu'il aide House. Comme s'il y avait de la jalousie... Comme si Cuddy était parfois une mère coincée entre ses deux garçons, en perpétuelle demande d’attention...
Peut-être… On peut le voir comme ça. Personnellement, je vois plutôt leur relation comme un triangle où Cuddy ne serait pas nécessairement la mère… Wilson ici n’est pas forcément jaloux, je pense qu'en fait, il se sent manipulé. Il est déjà tellement manipulé par House qu’il ne veut pas l’être par Cuddy. House a besoin de Wilson et House a besoin de Cuddy et il équilibre ses besoins entre eux deux. Et Wilson et Cuddy ont besoin l’un de l’autre car ils se balancent House l'un l'autre (rires) ! Et ils ont besoin de parler de lui à quelqu'un. C'est un triangle très intéressant.

C’est plus un show sur la manipulation qu’une série médicale finalement…
D’une certaine manière, oui…

Aimeriez-vous parfois que Cuddy ait, elle aussi, une amie sur qui compter ?
Justement, dans la saison 6, Cuddy a une assistante infirmière avec qui elle s'entend bien. Mais en fin de compte, je ne pense pas que cela convienne au show d'avoir un personnage en plus qui ne soit là que pour être l'amie de Cuddy. La série ne parle pas de Cuddy. Elle parle de House. On ne peut qu'imaginer les amis de Cuddy. (Rires)

L'une des intrigues les plus intéressantes de la saison pour Cuddy est l'arrivée de son bébé... Est-ce que ça vous a plu que cette intrigue se concrétise enfin ?
Oui, c'était une belle intrigue. Du début à la fin. La voir batailler pour avoir un bébé elle-même, avoir le bébé, le perdre et finalement trouver son enfant à elle et l'adopter. Tout cela pour qu'elle réalise ensuite qu'elle n'est peut-être pas faite pour être mère. C'était très intéressant...

En six ans, vous avez vu des cas médicaux horribles et terrifiants. Ça ne vous a pas rendue un peu paranoïaque ? Vous n'avez jamais peur d'avoir une terrible maladie incurable ?
(Rires) Je n'ai pas plus peur des maladies qu'auparavant. J'adore la médecine et j'ai toujours aimé en apprendre davantage sur le sujet. Cela ne me fait pas peur. Et maintenant, lorsque je me rends chez un médecin, il me parle comme si je comprenais ce qu'il me disait. Ce que j'apprécie puisqu'effectivement, je comprends ! J'ai suffisamment appris pour être capable de poser les bonnes questions, mais pas pour pratiquer la médecine (rires) ! J'adore toujours autant en parler. Alors, je n'ai pas peur lorsque dans un avion, la personne assise à côté de moi commence à renifler et à tousser.

Savez-vous combien de temps mettent les scénaristes pour écrire un seul épisode ?
Assez longtemps. Je ne sais pas exactement mais nous avons 12 scénaristes et il écrivent chacun deux épisodes par saison. En plus, ils participent tous aux autres épisodes.

Hugh Laurie a réalisé un épisode de la saison 6. Aimeriez-vous en faire de même ?
Je n'y ai jamais vraiment pensé avant. J'y ai pensé en voyant Hugh le faire. Ce n'est pas vraiment mon but... Je suis plus intéressée par la production, trouver des nouvelles idées et faire en sorte de les concrétiser. Mais si on est encore là dans quelques années, peut-être que j'essaierai ! (Rires)

Aimeriez-vous parfois que Cuddy porte moins de mini-jupe ou de tenues sexy ou pensez-vous que cela fait entièrement partie du personnage, de ce qu'elle est ?

Cela fait partie de ce qu'elle est. En réalité, j'apprécie la restriction de ses vêtements. Dans ma vie privée, je ne veux plus jamais porter de jupe-fuseaux mais pour le personnage, c'est tout à fait juste. Toute sa vie a été comme comprimée, elle est engoncée et encore aujourd'hui, il faut qu'elle se libère. Je trouve que ses vêtements serrés représentent bien cela.

Propos recueillis par Raphaëlle Raux-Moreau, le 14 avril, à Londres
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MessageSujet: Re: Lisa - Ses articles de presse   Lisa - Ses articles de presse - Page 4 Icon_minitimeDim 23 Mai - 9:59

23rd May, 2010
Lisa Edelstein wants House romance

Lisa Edelstein thinks it's time House lead characters Dr Gregory House and Dr Lisa Cuddy got it together on a more permanent basis.

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Lisa Edelstein wants more romance on House

"I think they need to go for it!" she said.

The 43-year-old is smitten with her British co-star Hugh Laurie, saying: "We get on great, he's such a fun guy, and a sexy guy too! He's funny and smart, and, to top it all, he's tall, he has beautiful eyes."

Lisa went on: "I think his character's brilliant. He solves all these problems and saves people from dying, which everybody would like to be able to do. But at the same time he has all this freedom to say whatever he wants to say to people, there's no editing."

Lisa reckons the show has got a strong future.

"I don't think the producers would let it make the show become stale either. They're too clever for that," she said.

And she added: "I don't think they'll run out (of ideas), because sadly, there are an awful lot of things that can go wrong in the human body. It's amazing any of us are walking around!"

:: The finale of House series six is on Sunday on Sky1.

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MessageSujet: Re: Lisa - Ses articles de presse   Lisa - Ses articles de presse - Page 4 Icon_minitimeDim 23 Mai - 12:52

An Evening With... "House"

May 22, 2010

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Jemal Countess

On Mon., May 24th in Los Angeles, Back Stage presents An Evening With... "House" featuring an screening of an episode of the show followed by Q&A with cast member Lisa Edelstein.

Edelstein, who plays Dr. Lisa Cuddy on the show, previously appeared on "The West Wing," "Ally McBeal," and "The Practice," as well as guest turns on "Seinfeld," "Frasier," "Felicity," and "ER." Her film credits include "What Women Want," "As Good As It Gets," and "Daddy Day Care."

"House" celebrated its 100th episode milestone in February 2009, and has racked up Emmy Awards and nominations for SAG, Golden Globe, and NAACP Image Awards. It was also honored by the American Film Institute as one of the TV Programs of the Year and received a Peabody Award.

The screening will take place at 7 p.m. at:
SAG Foundation Actors Center
5757 Wilshire Blvd., Mezzanine Level
Los Angeles

To RSVP email with "House" in the subject line. Indicate if you are bringing a guest. Only one guest per RSVP. Please note that RSVP does not guarantee admittance, as events are booked to capacity.

See you there!


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MessageSujet: Re: Lisa - Ses articles de presse   Lisa - Ses articles de presse - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Mai - 9:30

'House' Fan Columnist: Lisa Edelstein Talks Career, Huddy, and Season Seven

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Lisa Palmer
Contributing Writer, BuddyTV

Monday evening, in lieu of mourning the end of season six's House, I was privileged enough to be able to attend a Screen Actors Guild (SAG) event starring our favorite dean of medicine, Lisa Edelstein. The venue was small and intimate, and besides getting hit on by an actor whose last piece of work was Lethal Weapon, the entire event was highly enjoyable.

We started by watching a screening of Edelstein's all Cuddy episode, "5 to 9." I hadn't seen it in awhile and it was fun to watch with an audience. Sometimes I forget how comical House can be because I typically watch by myself and it helps to have an audience there to laugh with you.

After the episode, Lisa Edelstein came out and discussed her career with a great moderator. I've been to these types of events before and the moderators haven't been the greatest, but anyone there could tell Lisa was hugely respected by the person asking her the questions.

The main focus of the event was Edelstein's acting career, so House wasn't discussed until about the last twenty minutes of the conversation. This was actually fine, as Lisa was plenty entertaining dishing stories about her awkward reading for The Doors which included acting out various crude sex scenes, her early club days where she was named Lisa E, her dueling managers when she first got into the biz, and how much she hated her MTV co-hosting job, although she was grateful for it because it got her foot in the door and facilitated her move to Los Angeles.

She vibrantly discussed the creative aspect of her job and I was interested to hear that she couldn't imagine herself doing anything different than acting even though her parents were always worried about where her career was going. "There is no direct path to acting," she said. "It's not like a career path. There is no 'right way.'"

She mentioned that she's been with her agent and management for eighteen years now. When asked what she was looking for in a manager, she said she wanted people to support her and believe in her. There shouldn't have to be any schmoozing of the management. They should know her creativity and what she can bring to the table.

One question about the difficulty of guest starring got a huge laugh. Apparently on a particularly famous guest spot Lisa did, all of her costars ignored her except for one rather famous ranter. He liked her a bit too much, unfortunately. That's all I'll say since I don't want to start a feud between the two and we definitely don't want to make him angry.

During this interview, Lisa did say many things I already knew about her, but I did find out a few things that surprised me. I certainly had no idea she tested for Desperate Housewives and the role Felicity Huffman now plays. She got the role of Cuddy a week later and found out only two months ago that Bryan Singer had handpicked her for the role. When asked about a breakthrough role, she said she wasn't even sure what that meant and that with her, more work just led to more work. Lisa did offer up this tidbit though: "It was between me and Marisa Tomei for My Cousin Vinny. That could have changed my life." Then, as a joke, she said, "But it didn't."

So what about House, you ask? When asked about the evolution of Cuddy, she cited David Shore and talked about how characters are revealed, rather than changed because if characters are changed, the show is over. Lisa was worried about Cuddy's character at first because she thought the writers and creators might become bored with her character so she put the pieces together of Cuddy's back story (youngest woman dean of medicine, etc.). Edelstein said she was lucky that Shore was receptive to what she brought to him because it could have gone entirely in the opposite direction. Shore told her that he always had a place for Cuddy in mind throughout the series.

When asked about the last scene in "Help Me," she said that the scene wasn't in the script. In fact, she said goodbye to the cast and crew at about 2 AM, and then came back to as few crew members as possible and Hugh to film the last scene at around 4 AM. After the event, I stayed and talked to her and she seemed concerned about really nailing the last scene. Don't worry, I told her it was perfect! She made mention of the rest of the cast possibly not knowing how the season ended if they didn't watch the show. Apparently there were two different ways the end could have gone and her and Hugh's script had the version we saw.

The moderator then asked about her favorite part about working with Laurie and she mentioned how disciplined he is as an actor and that his work ethic is rare. Regarding his direction in "Lockdown," she cited how happy he was to be just him behind the camera in his clothes without a limp and with his British accent. Lisa only worried that he loved her work so much that he might think she was brilliant even if she wasn't.

Regarding "5 to 9," Edelstein said it was very exciting to do for her because she was able to set the pace that the lead typically gets and that Laurie does so well. She was also thrilled when they asked for her notes, but she recognizes that they wouldn't normally ask because she's not typically featured as a lead role. Her hardest scene to shoot that she could remember was screaming at the baby during "Big Baby" in season five. Edelstein was worried that her screaming wouldn't be convincing because it was so difficult to do, but then countered herself by saying it probably wouldn't have been easy for Cuddy either, so maybe it worked.

As for season seven, she has no idea where its going, but is positive it's going to be a lot of fun! She told me afterward that the story had to go there and that she's ready for whatever *u*ked up direction it goes in. She loves her role and keeps it fresh by enjoying the dialogue she is given because the smarter the dialogue, the easier it is to memorize. She can't wait to see where the love affair goes and she's always interested in the medicine as well.

The evening ended with the audience (of about fifty) singing her "Happy Birthday" and her telling us that the most important thing that she does as an actress is to express herself. At the end of the evening, I was nervous, but I went to talk to her and she was extremely receptive and kind to me. I told her I was completely thrilled about the ending to the season and then the person next to me said something in front of her about the show jumping the shark! We both rushed to the show's defense and discussed how we loved that she show would finally explore their relationship.

She's exactly as I would have guessed. Animated, generous, funny, entertaining, and down to earth. Not to mention stunning. I'm thrilled I was able to attend!

Source: Buddy TV
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MessageSujet: Re: Lisa - Ses articles de presse   Lisa - Ses articles de presse - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Juin - 8:43

Lisa Edelstein at the SAG Foundation (part.1)

Source: LJ house_cuddy

Dernière édition par Danacarine le Jeu 3 Juin - 8:52, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Lisa - Ses articles de presse   Lisa - Ses articles de presse - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Juin - 8:45

Lisa Edelstein at the SAG Foundation (part.2)

Source: LJ house_cuddy

Un extrait en vidéo: